学术讲座通知――IEEE杰出演讲人Dr Franz Schlagenhaufer



演讲人:   Dr Franz SchlagenhauferIEEE杰出演讲人

(Senior Research Fellow,The University of Western Australia

Western Australian Telecommunications Research Institute (WATRI)

Perth, Western Australia)

题目:    1. EMC design principles

2. Computer Simulation on the System Level

时间:    2008530(周五) 上午9:00~11:00

地点:    东南大学李文正楼614北会议室

主办:    江苏省电子学会天线与微波专业委员会

IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter




1. Grounding, shielding, filtering and cabling/wiring are important design criteria to achieve EMC on the equipment level. In order to avoid costly overkill solutions and to tailor individual measures in the case of contradicting requirements, they must not be understood as cookbook style recipes but their application must be based on sound theoretical principles.A sound knowledge of electromagnetic theory is essential to understand and appreciate EMC measures, and not consider them as magical spells that have to be put on machines to make them work. However emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding not on formulas and equations. So, this talk refreshes electromagnetic theory in a nutshell, but avoids the mathematical burden. The nature of electric and magnetic dipoles, estimation of current flow in ground planes, EMC characteristics of transmission lines are some of the topics that covered in this presentation.

2. Computer simulation is increasingly used as a tool to predict and manage the electromagnetic behavior on the system level. The presentation will address the five basic steps of a typical simulation process and give some examples:

            Modeling: simplification and neglecting non-essential parts of the physical model.

            Meshing: segment size based on wavelength and structural discontinuities.

            Computation: estimating calculation time and resource requirements.

            Validation of the results: boundary conditions, power budget, field and current distributions, sensitivity for variation of input data.

            Post-processing routines.

When it comes to field simulation for complex systems some particularities can be noted:

            The modeling stage will, in most cases, involve significant simplifications of the physical structure, and the effect of these simplifications on the overall results must be estimated.

            The outcome from the simulations will, in most cases, not be the final result, but rather the simulation results will be the input data for the actual system analysis.

This makes a simulation for EMC purposes significantly different to many computations in RF-design applications.



Dr Franz Schlagenhaufer has studied Electric Engineering at the Technical University Munich, Germany and completed with the Diploma Degree in 1988. From 1988 until 1992 he was PhD student at the TechnicalUniversity Hamburg-Harburg, and obtained the Doctorate in Engineering in 1994 with his thesis “Field Excitation of Multiconductor Lines with Non-linear Terminations”.

He was manager of the EMC laboratory at MAZ (Microelectronic Application Centre) in Hamburg from 1992 until 1995 and Technical Manager of EMCSI (Electromagnetic Compatibility and Systems Integration) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, from 1996 until 1999. During this time he was involved in EMC testing according to civilian and military standards and presented numerous workshops about EMC testing and design to industry.

Since 2000 he is Senior Research Fellow at The University of Western Australia, Perth, where his topics of interest are computer simulation of PCBs and shielding enclosures. He is a senior member of the IEEE (EMC-S, AP-S and MTT-S) and has been appointed as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in EMC for 2007/2008.