题目: Recent Advances in Antenna Theory and Their Applications报告人: 文舸一 教授 时 间: 2008年10月10日(五) 上午 10:00-11:30 地 点: 东南大学 (四牌楼校区) 李文正楼 6楼 614会议室 主办单位: 东南大学 毫米波国家重点实验室 IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter 江苏省电子学会 天线与微波专委会 ==================================================================== AbstractIn modern wireless terminal design, the antenna is considered as one of the most critical sub-system for achieving high sensitivity, compact size, low power consumption and minimum unwanted radiation. In this regard, some fundamental electromagnetic issues need to be investigated in order to provide guidelines for designing high performance but electrically small antennas. In this presentation, the following issues on small antenna designs will be addressed:
(1) What is best possible performance that the antenna can achieve when its maximum size is specified? To answer this question, more accurate upper bounds of antenna performances are derived. (2) Does Foster reactance theorem hold for an antenna? The answer to this question is very important in understanding how antenna works and why there is reciprocal relationship between antenna bandwidth and Q. (3) How to prove the reciprocal relationship between antenna bandwidth and Q? (4) How to calculate small antenna Q or bandwidth? How to increase the bandwidth of small antennas? A method for calculating small antenna Q based on the Poynting theorem in both frequency domain and time domain will be presented. (5) How to establish a simple theory to explain the working principles of handset antennas? It will be shown that a “backbone” exists for most metal antennas. Analytical solutions are derived for the backbone. (6) How to use a single antenna with multiple feeding points to cover all the frequency bands being used in a wireless device (such as from 800MHz to 6GHz)? Some practical examples will be demonstrated. =============================================================================== Biography 文舸一,1982年7月毕业于西北电讯工程学院电子工程系雷达信息处理专业。1984年12月获西北电讯工程学院电磁场工程系硕士学位,1987年9月获西安电子科技大学电磁场工程系博士学位,1988年4月至1990年11月在南京东南大学无线电系第一期博士后(讲师),1990年12月至1992年12月在电子科技大学应用物理研究所做第二期博士后(副教授)。1992年6月至1993年5月在美国伯克利加洲大学电子学研究所访问。1993年6月至1998年8月为电子科技大学应用物理研究所教授,博士生导师,应用物理研究所副所长,所长。1998年2月至1998年5月为加拿大滑铁卢大学客座教授。1998年8月至2007年11月在加拿大RIM公司工作,先后担任射频部资身科学家,公司预研部主任。 文舸一主要从事电磁场与微波技术学科的教学和科研工作,发表论文100余篇,出版学术专著二部,获专利十余项。曾入选四川省首批“跨世纪青年科技学术带头人”和“国家教委跨世纪人才”。曾获“中国青年科技奖”。