学术讲座通知:Derived Physically Expressive Circuit Model for Integrated RF/Microwave Passive Components



演讲人:   Professor Ke-Li Wu  

(Chinese University of Hong Kong)

题目:  Derived Physically Expressive Circuit Model for Integrated RF/Microwave Passive Components

时间:    2008年12月1日 (周一) 下午2:30~4:00

地点:    南京理工大学学术交流中心第三报告厅

主办:    南京理工大学电光学院

      IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter




Integrated RF/Microwave passive components, either in silicon based System on Chip (SoC) or in ceramic/organic substrate based System in Package (SiP), are the key building blocks for constructing a single-chip monolithic functional system. A great deal of attention has been paid to the modeling techniques of various of integrated RF/microwave passives. Characterizing such devices is always a major concern to circuit designers. With the increase of the operating frequency, the inevitable parasitic effects together with the significant loss properties of both the substrate and the conductors make the characterization tasks even more challenging. Although a lot of efforts have been devoted to model extraction of the integrated passives, none of them can provide a systematic approach to derive a physically meaningful equivalent circuit model.

The derived physically expressive circuit (DPEC) model is a new approach for model order deduction (MOR) and systematical derivation of a physically meaningful circuit model of a multilayered embedded RF passive. The approach is based on the partial-element equivalent-circuit (PEEC) model and the Y-Δ circuit transformation. By defining an appropriate cutoff criterion that is related to the highest frequency of interest, most of the internal nodes in the mesh related circuit generated by the PEEC model will be absorbed progressively. The approach is very simple to implement and has apparent physical meaning.

In this talk, the basic concept of the derived physically expressive circuit (DPEC) model will be introduced.  Its implementation and the use to lossy integrated passive circuits will be discussed in detail. The guideline of how to ensure the passivity condition of the DPEC model will be also given. The case studies of Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC) circuits and vertical spiral inductors build in a silicon substrate will be given to show the validation and effectiveness. Finally, the latest progress of the DPEC for multilayered circuits with slotted ground will be briefly covered.


Ke-Li Wu  received his B.S and M.Eng degree from Nanjing University of Science and Technology (China) in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree from Laval University, Canada, in 1989.

   From 1989 to 1993, he was with the Communications Research Laboratory, McMaster University as a Research Engineer. He joined the Corporate R&D Division, Com Dev International, Canada in March 1993, where he had been Principal Member of Technical Staff in charge of developing advanced electromagnetic design software for various microwave sub-system for communication satellite. Dr. Wu has been with the Dept. of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong since October 1999, where he is a Professor. Prof. Wu is a senior member of IEEE, member of IEEE MTT-8 committee, and a current Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. He organized and co-organized a number of workshops in MTT-S and Packaging society and is the guest editor in the recent focused issue of Microwave Magazine on miniaturized microwave filters.

Prof. Wu has authored or coauthored more than 60 leading journal papers in the areas of EM modeling, microwave passive circuits and antennas. His current research interests include numerical and analytical methods in electromagnetics, passive microwave circuits, microwave filters, small antennas for wireless terminals, LTCC-based multichip modules, and RF identification (RFID) technologies.