学术报告会通知:Photonics in Radar-Frontend Applications




题目:Photonics in Radar-Frontend Applications

报告人: Prof. Yifei Li and Peter Herczfeld

                     (ECE Department of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

             & Drexel University)

  间: 2010年4月29日(周四)下午15:00-17:00

  点:东南大学(四牌楼校区) 李文正楼 6 614会议室

主办单位: 东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室

                 IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter



In radar frontends it is desirable to replace bulky coax cables with optical fibers in order to achieve smaller size, lighter weight and the immunity to electro-magnetic interference. Unlike the baseband fiber-optic links that dominate the present long haul telecommunications, the fiber-optic links for RF signal transmission are still immature. In particular, they suffer from limited dynamic range due to the nonlinearities in the optical modulation/demodulation processes. Recently a coherent fiber-optic link employing an Optical Phase-Locked Loop (OPLL) phase demodulator was proposed. This new fiber-optic link can offer a dynamic range improvement of 20dB or larger over the current state-of-the-art. The challenge is to implement a high gain wideband OPLL phase demodulator. The OPLL tightly integrates local optical phase modulators, high power photodetectors and other photonic components. There are three critical issues in implementing OPLL photonic integrated circuit: minimizing the loop propagation delay, improving the local phase modulator linearity, and increasing the photodetector saturation photocurrent. In this talk we will discuss the approaches for solving these problems, the design of OPLL photonic integrated circuits, and the related experimental results.

报告人简介:Dr. Yifei Li received his B.Eng. in Optoelectronics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, in 1996. He received his MS (July 2001) and Ph.D.(Sept. 2003) in Electrical Engineering both from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. From 2003 to 2007, he was a research faculty with the Center for Microwave / Lightwave Engineering, Drexel University. In 2007, he joined the ECE Department of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he is the director of the RF/Photonics Lab. His current research interests include: RF/photonics, photonic integrated circuits, and laser physics. His work in hybrid optical / digital processing of microwave signals won him the European Microwave Association (EuMA) Young Scientist Prize (1st prize) in the 12th Colloquium on Microwave Communications. He also won the 2008 DARPA young faculty award for his work in integrated photonic frequency mixer.

Peter Herczfeld wasborn in Budapest Hungary in 1936 and is now a U.S. citizen. He received his B.S. degree in Physics from Colorado State University in 1961, his M.S. in Physics in 1963, and his Ph. D. in electrical Engineering in1967, both from the University of Minnesota.  Since 1967 he has been on the faculty of Drexel University, where he is the Lester Kraus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Herczfeld received numerous teaching honors including the Mary and Christian Lindback Distinguished Teacher Award at Drexel University (1995) and the IEEE-MTT-S Fred Rosenbaum Distinguished Educator Award (1997).  Dr. Herczfeld is the Director of the center for Microwave-Lightwave Engineering at Drexel, a Center of Excellence that conduct research in microwaves and photonics.  He has published over 450 papers in Solid-State Electronics, Microwaves, Photonics, Solar Energy, and Biomedical Engineering.  A member of APS and IEEE, he is a recipient of several research and publication awards, including the European Microwave Prize (1986 and 1994).  He is a fellow of the IEEE, a recipient of the IEEE Millennium medal and served as the distinguished Lecturer of IEEE-MTT-S. In 2006 he received the IEEE-MTT-S Pioneer award for research in microwave photonics.