学术报告会通知:A Complete Propagator for the Electromagnetic Field



    :  A Complete Propagator for the Electromagnetic Field

报 告 人: ProfessorRobert Nevels

           (2010 IEEE AP-S President,

           Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas)

时  间: 2010年123(周五)上午9:30-11:00

地  点: 东南大学(四牌楼校区李文正楼 6 614会议室

主  办:东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室

      IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter




In this seminar a general electromagnetic field propagator which consists of a coupled field integral equation and time domain tensor Green function will be presented. Its potential as a new numerical method and it advantages over current methods will also be presented. Perhaps the most interesting aspects of the proposed coupled field propagator method is that it avoids the use of potentials and is based on a direct solution to Maxwell’s equations that can be evaluated numerically, with the possibility of either obtaining all field components at each grid point or by an interleaving procedure similar to the Yee method.


Robert Nevels is a Professor at Texas A&M University in College Station Texas, USA. His research areas of interests include analytical and numerical techniques in electrodynamics, electromagnetic scattering, microwave and plasmonic nano-antennas. Dr. Nevels served as an Editor of the Wiley book series on Microwave and Optical Components in 1992 and again in 2003. He has co-authored a monograph on The Coulomb Gauge in Electromagnetics and is currently an Editor of the periodical Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. He was General Chairman of the 2002 joint IEEE Antennas and Propagation and Union of Radio Science International Conference and currently serves as IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society President. During the summer 1992, he was a Visiting Professor in the Physics Department Institute for Light Sources, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Dr. Nevels is an IEEE Fellow, Eugene E. Webb ’43 Faculty Fellow in recognition for research, and has received nine awards for teaching.