学术报告会通知:Development of Millimeter-wave Passive Components and System-in- Packages by LTCC Technology




题    目: Development of Millimeter-wave Passive Components and System-in- Packages by LTCC Technology

报 告 人Ruey-Beei  WuNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

时  间20130419日(周五)09:30~10:30

地  点江宁开发区,秣周东路9号,无线谷A33412会议室

主  办 东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室

      IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter



The recent development of millimeter-wave passive components for radar and wireless communication applications by the low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology will be addressed in this talk. It overviews the LTCC applications to V-band (60GHz) high-data rate wireless communication, including the filters, couplers, transitions, and system in packages, as well as the major research achievements. Several new design ideas which fully utilize the LTCC multilayer features in realizing some special performance are also summarized, including filter miniaturization using vertical stacking and horizontal folding, improvement in band selectivity by novel cross-coupling mechanisms in multiple layers, dual-band design with flexible band assignment by exploiting higher cavity modes, wide-band magic-T design by exploiting field polarizations of waveguide modes, bandwidth enhancement in transitions by various coupling structures, couplers and antennas design with filtering characteristics, and so on. Finally, the system-in-package applications have been demonstrated in 60GHz frontend phased array for dense wireless communications and micro-radar module for noncontact vital sign detection.


 Ruey-Beei Wu received B.S. and Ph.D degrees in electrical engineering from NTU in 1979 and 1985, respectively. He is a Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), and formerDepartment Chair (2004-2007). He served as Directors of National Center for High Performance Computing (1998-2000) and Department of Planning and Evaluation (2002-2004), both under National Science Council. He was a visiting scholar at IBM East Fishkill Facility, UCLA, and Ghent University in 1986, 1994, and 2009, respectively.

Prof. Wu is currently the PI of NTU Advanced Microwave and SiP Laboratory and founder of the Taiwan Electromagnetic Industry- Academia Consortium . His research interests include computational electromagnetics, transmission line and waveguide discontinuities, microwave and millimeter wave planar circuits, and interconnection modeling and design for advanced packaging.

Prof. Wu is an IEEE Fellow. He has served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques in 2005-08, and IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology in 2009-2012. He was elected as Chair of the IEEE Taipei Session in 2007-2009, and accordingly made it highly recognized as the MGA Outstanding Large Section Awardee in 2009. He has received several IEEE awards, including Best Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging (2009), R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award (2009), MGA Innovation Award (2010), and EPEPS 20th Edition Recognition Award (2011).