学术报告会通知:CMOS Integrated Circuits towards THz Radio




题 目: CMOS Integrated Circuits towards THz Radio

报告人 Dr. Yu Hao

时  间20131226日(周四)10:00~11:30

地  点江宁开发区,秣周东路9号,无线谷A33412会议室

主  办 东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室

         IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter



This talk will discuss CMOS integrated circuits at THz towards wireless big-data communications such as Gbps short-distance communication and MMIC imaging. We will show how to achieve CMOS THz system integration with feasible signal source generation and detection on-chip. Two problems will be addressed. The first is about how to build compact model such as transmission-line at THz with consideration of frequency-dependent loss and also causality, without using auxiliary equivalent circuit but fractional order model. The second will show how to deploy metamaterial devices on-chip to provide high-Q/wideband tuning and also in-phase/compact power combining with significantly reduced area and improved power efficiency. As a result, many new integrated circuits can be innovated with demonstrations at 60GHz, 140GHz and 280GHz by 65nm CMOS process.


   Dr. Hao YU obtained Ph. D degree from electrical engineering department at UCLA in 2007. Since October 2009, he has been an assistant professor at school of electrical and electronic engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, and area director at VIRTUS IC design centre of excellence. His primary research interest is in CMOS emerging technologies for big-data computing and communication, which has attracted more than 2M USD funding from agency and industry. He has 108 peer-reviewed IEEE/ACM publications, 3 books, 1 best paper award in ACM Transactions, 3 best paper award nominations (DAC’06, ICCAD’06, ASP-DAC’12), 2 student paper competition (advisor) finalist (SiRF’13, RFIC’13), 1 inventor award from semiconductor research cooperation (SRC), and 5 pending patents. He is associate editor and technical program committee member of many IEEE/ACM international journals and conferences such as ASSCC, IWS, ISLPED, ICCD, ICCAD, ASPDAC etc.