学术报告会通知:Joint Baseband and RF Design for Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems




题  目:Joint Baseband and RF Design for Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems

报告人 Dr Yabo Li (Associate Professor, Zhejiang University)

时  间20130103日(周五)14:00~16:00

地  点江宁开发区,秣周东路9号,无线谷A33412会议室

主  办 东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室

         IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter



Millimeter-Wave band can provide large and free spectrum. Using millimeter-wave band is a practical way to achieve wireless Giga-bit data rate. Currently, both next generation WiFi (IEEE 802.11ad) and 5G wireless mobile communication are considering shifting the carrier frequency to the millimeter-wave band. In conventional wireless communication systems, baseband and RF designs are usually separated. However, for millimeter-wave communication systems, to achieve low cost and low power, as well as high yield and consistent performance in commercial mass production, joint design of baseband algorithms and RF architectures is necessary. In this talk, we first review some cases where joint baseband and RF design can provide better performance. Then, as a specific example, we look at the In-phase and Quadrature (IQ) imbalance calibration in direction conversion millimeter-wave transceivers. We propose a joint design method, where, in RF, a digitally controlled filter with several different frequency responses is added in the loopback path, and in baseband, an algorithm is designed, which can simultaneously calibrate frequency dependent transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) IQ imbalances. The proposed method does not require the filter to be specifically designed, so, compared with existing methods, it is easy to implement. Also, to separate the TX and RX IQ imbalances, the proposed method only needs to calculate the inverse of 2x2 matrices, whose complexity is lower than existing methods. In addition, the proposed calibration method is applicable to both single carrier and OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) systems. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed, and simulation results are provided to confirm the performance.


   Yabo Li received his B.S. degree and M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, in 1998 and 2001, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from University of Delaware, Newark, DE, U.S.A, in Dec. 2005.


From Jul. 2001 to Jul. 2002, he was a member of technical staff at Bell-Labs (Beijing), Lucent Technologies (China), Beijing, China. From Jan.2005 to Jun.2005, he was in intern at Mitisubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. From Dec.2005 to May 2007, he was a system design expert with Nortel Networks, Richardson, TX, U.S.A. From May 2007 to Dec.2009, he was a senior systems engineer with SiBEAM Inc. a company that delivered the world's first 4Gbps mmWave consumer electronics product. In Dec.2009, he joined the Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, where he is now an associate professor.


His research interests include digital signal processing, MIMO and OFDM, space-time coding, digital compensation for RF impairments, and massive MIMO. He is currently an editor for IEEE Communications Letters.