学术报告会通知(二): Surface Plasmon Resonant Scattering in Metal-Coated




题 目: Surface Plasmon Resonant Scattering in Metal-Coated

Dielectric Nanocylinder Systems

报告人Kiyotoshi Yasumoto

时  间2014113日(周一)16:00~17:00

地  点东南大学(四牌楼校区)李文正楼6楼北614会议室

主  办 东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室

         IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter



With the rapid development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, the interaction of light with nanoscale objects remains as an important topic in recent years because of their a wide range of applications to the optical sensors, imaging, and integrated devices. The literature on the interaction of light with nanoscale objects in general is of course much broader. The study on the interaction can be organized in many different ways, being dependent on the dimensionality of the objects and the exciting source. We shall focus our consideration on the cylindrical structures, which are usually called as nanocylinders or nanowires.

Here, the scattering of TE polarized plane wave by metal-coated dielectric nanocylinder systems is investigated with a particular emphasis on the enhancement of the near fields. There exist two kinds of surface plasmons in the metal-coated nanocylinders. One is the surface plasmons localized along the inner interface of the metal layer and the other is localized along the outer interface. If the wavelength of illumination is properly chosen, the illuminating field resonates to each of surface plasmons and the unique near field distributions are excited along the cylinders. Numerical results demonstrate that the enhanced near fields are localized around two interfaces of the coating metal layer and closely related to the surface plasmon resonances. It is also shown that the spectral responses of the scattering cross section of the metal-coated nanocylinders take a peak value at the wavelengths of surface plasmon resonances.