题 目: Techniques for Synthesizing Artificial Dielectrics for Lens and Reflectarray Designs 报告人: Prof. Raj Mittra, Pennsylvania State University, USA, IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer 时 间:2014年11月27日(周四)14:30~16:00 地 点: 东南大学四牌楼校区李文正楼北614会议室 主 办: 东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室 IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter 江苏省电子学会天线与微波专委会 内容简介: In this talk we will begin by presenting a systematic technique for synthesizing artificially engineered dielectric materials, referred to herein as Dial-a-Dielectric (DaD) approach, which is useful for fabricating flat lenses or metasurfaces. The impetus of this work stems from studies of synthetic and nonhomogeneous dielectrics, which use low er host materials with air or metallic particle inclusions. Using these synthesized materials one could envisage designing a variable DaD surface, which can not only facilitate the control of surface waves, but also the gain and the beam pattern of a patch antenna placed upon it. To illustrate some practical applications of the DaD approach, we will compare the results we obtain for the performance characteristics of DaD-based lenses and reflectarrays, with those of similar devices designed by using legacy approaches. We will show that we can typically achieve a better performance by using the DaD approach than by using metamaterials (MTMs) that are typically called for in TO-based designs. The DaD approach utilizes commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) materials, as a starter, and then tailors their material properties slightly in order to achieve the desired refraction or reflection characteristics. While lens designs based on Ray Optics (RO) do not suffer from the drawback of TO-based designs, since they do not call for MTMs, they still require dielectric materials that are typically unavailable off-the-shelf. Furthermore, there appears to be no systematic approach available in the literature for addressing this important problem and artificially synthesizing the desired material properties. This talk will describe a systematic procedure for realizing the specified refractive indices or reflection characteristics of dielectric slabs by modifying the COTS materials in a way such that the bandwidth of the device is not compromised. 报告人简介: Raj Mittra is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering department of the Pennsylvania State University, where he is the Director of the Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory. Prior to joining Penn State he was a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign from 1957 through 1996, when he moved to his present position at the Penn State University. Currently, he is also a Professor at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL. |