In this talk, we will cover the electron beam modulation in THz regime, and THz productions. Electron beam interaction with high frequency structures (beyond microwave regime) has a great impact on future high energy frontiermachines. We report on the generation of multi-megawatt pulsed rf power at 91 GHz in a planar metallic accelerating structure driven by an ultra-relativistic electron bunch train. This slow-wave wake field device can also be used for high gradient acceleration of electrons with a stable rf phase and amplitude which are controlled by manipulation of the bunch train. To achieve precise control of the rf pulse properties, a two-beam wake-field interferometry method was developed in which the rf pulse, due to the interference of the wake-fields from the two bunches, was measured as a function of bunch separation. Measurements of the energy change of a trailing electron bunch as a function of the bunch separation confirmed the interferometry method. 报告人简介: Wei Ge currently serves as the Tsinghua University professor and American Chemical Argonne National Laboratory senior scientist. He is also the American Physics Fellow. Research field contains accelerator, high power pulsed microwave, high energy physics and accelerator. In 1977, he was admitted to the Lanzhou University professional radio, in 1981 studying in the United States, and in 1986, he received the Illinois Institute of Tech Ph.D. in physics. After that,he joined the Argonne National laboratory. In 2015,he joined the Tsinghua University by thousands of people plan. |